I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving!

Thank you for stopping by to see our results! This year I’ve been sharing archived Activity sheets from years ago. Back then (when my kids were in elementary school), we were creating characters every week. It was a quick little drawing activity we did together, usually on Monday mornings after breakfast, that lasted about 5 minutes. It has been so fun digging through our results and resharing them on the blog. I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing designs too! Did you create characters this month?

When we worked on Activity #37, my kids were 8 and 9 years old. Their characters still make me smile. This month, we received designs from the amazing mom + son team, Evan and Barb! Thank you for sharing your characters this month!

Click the drawing below to see a slideshow of Shape #1 designs…

Shape #2…

Shape #3…

and the final set: Shape #4

What did you think? Did you come up with similiar characters or were they completley different? Please share in the comments!

Thanks again for visiting the CREATE A CHARACTER blog on RESULTS Day. Check back on Monday, December 5th, to download the last Activity sheet for 2022. Until then, Happy Creating!