BLOBS #116

Welcome families, kidlit community friends and kids!

With the disruption that is storming through our lives right now, I’d like to shower kids with some sunshine. So, The Blob Blog is back up and running!

Right now many families are looking for consistency. A routine of activities that can keep our children busy and amused while providing value. I have kids of my own and we’re trying to fill in the gaps too. What I’ve noticed in my search for a “routine” is CREATIVE TIME is a must. That is where I hope to plug in and help. Kids have big imaginations and we’re all a little restricted at the moment. If you have a child who loves reading, drawing, designing or making things come to life, I hope we can connect as a creative community here.

I’ll be creating characters the next few weeks and I hope your children will join me! Print a sheet of Blobs out on Monday and encourage kids to dream up characters throughout the week. I will post my designs on Friday along with any drawings shared with me via email (, by Thursday. If you prefer social media, use the hashtag #theblobblog.

The best part about creating characters is…there are no rules! Kids can use paint, crayons, markers, pens, pencils, cut and paste, collage or a medium of their choice. Characters can be anything- humans, animals, plants, insects, heroes, a cat with a love for opera singing or more! Check out the Blobs Archive for inspiration and designs by Guest Artists. And if you’re wondering where Blobs come from, I’ll share that on Friday as well (with a sneak peek on Instagram).

I look forward to seeing all of the characters your kids dream up! And if you’re a #kidlit illustrator - please join me! Post your results on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook on Friday. Let’s spread some sunshine together. Happy creating!