Thanks for stopping by! Did you create any characters with this week’s batch of BLOBS? If so, I hope you had fun!

Let’s kick things off with a little inspiration.

Our garden is blossoming and the peonies have finally burst open. I have been waiting for them to grace our backyard with their billowing presence! Their petals look like they were drenched in hot pink ink and the afternoon sun dried them to a perfect fluffiness. Have you seen a bolder color?

Next door to our peonies are Fire and Ice Hostas. Do you have any of these plants in your garden?

I also passed through town during the weekend and was happy to see shops starting to open. This sign made me stop and feel grateful that we can finally venture out again.

The last image is from a hair salon (not open yet) that had positive messages displayed in their window. This particular panel was my favorite.


I began pencil sketches on Wednesday afternoon. Here is a look at my Activity sheet BEFORE and AFTER designs.


After designs were locked in, I moved onto a time lapse pen drawing…

My theme this week was FUNNY MONSTERS. I was ready for something light, fun and kind of kooky. My first character turned into STRIPED AND SPOTTED MONSTER.


My second character has a little rhino and a little elephant feel to it. Here is HORNED MONSTER…

The third character is my favorite. Introducing HAIRY AND TOOTHY MONSTER…


SCARED MONSTER was also fun to bring to life…

What do you think scared him?

Thanks for visiting today! I hope you enjoyed following my character design process.

Have a wonderful weekend!