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Did you create characters this week? I’d love to see your designs! Feel free to share your experience below or post your designs on social media using #theblobblog.

Let’s begin with inspiration! I had some help this weekend which made things easier. I asked my daughter to take a picture of interesting shapes and off she went!

First up, is a baby oak tree we have growing in our front yard.

The miniature, pink ruffled flower is a dianthus.

The patch of sunlight is our sidewalk and the wood floor is our dining room floor. Do you have any of these objects near/in your home?


I began pencil sketches on Wednesday afternoon. My theme turned into BIG, ODD PETS. Because they don’t exist, it was fun imagining possibilities!


Below is my pen time lapse…

The first BLOB was the second hardest for me to figure out. When I tried to make sense out of the bubbly outline my creature turned into a BIG, ODD PET that was part ostrich/peacock/rooster/flamingo. What parts remind you of each animal?

I wanted to keep refining my pet design so I created a color study.

I wanted to keep refining my pet design so I created a color study.

The next BLOB was the most difficult for me! This BIG, ODD PET likes going for walks…upright.


The next character is my favorite. It feels part bear and part dog to me…


The last character is a giant, pet bug. What would you do if you had one?


Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed following my design process.

Have a fabulous weekend!