Welcome! Thank you for stopping by! Did you create characters this month? I’d love to hear if you did! Please share in the comments.

This month I received characters from my favorite mom + son duo, Barb and Evan!

Before I share their results, let’s talk about inspiration…

August has been a busy month for us! With a renovation project picking up speed, I didn’t have time to explore a new and exciting place. Instead, I stepped outside one early Sunday morning and noticed a particular presence around me. Calming raindrops. They were resting on our front porch. They were like little souvenirs left from the shower we had earlier that morning. Drops (and their spots!) found a home on our ivy, flowers and little loveseat. I knew I could build an Activity sheet with these! Can you find the raindrops I collected below?

As I was looking at the raindrops, one splattered onto our loveseat! Can you find it?

As I was looking at the raindrops, one splattered onto our loveseat! Can you find it?

Have you ever noticed the shape of raindrops before? If you spot an interesting one the next time it rains, take a picture! You may be able to create your own Activity sheet.

Next up - characters! Take a look at Evan’s (age 6) and his mom’s completed Activity sheets below…

Evan and Barb_sheets.jpg

Didn’t they do a great job?! Let’s zoom in closer. I’ve included my characters too.


I combined Shape 1 and Shape 3 to create….GIANT CHICKEN! Can you spot the thunder cloud behind him (rain must have still been on my mind!)?

What do you think of our characters this month? I hope they inspired YOU to join us in September!

Thanks for stopping by! A new CREATE A CHARACTER Activity sheet will be ready to download on Monday, September 6th.

If you are returning to school soon, I hope you have a fantastic first day with friends and teachers!